Prevedere Indicators Datasheet

Real world, model-ready data for enterprise BI and analytics

Embrace the Value of External Data Indicators

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Every business is influenced by outside factors and indicators, demographic shifts, economic conditions, consumer sentiment and more. Prevedere Indicators include millions of high-quality time series data sets that are ideal for predictive analytics, big data analytics and BI reporting. Prevedere data and indicators are clean, comprehensive, continuously updated and proven by their use in thousands of predictive models across a range of industries.

Choose from a variety of data packages to get the most relevant indicators for your business. You can work with Prevedere Indicators using Prevedere’s AI Modeling Engine or bring the data into your own analytics environment. We can set up a data feed to your data lake or data warehouse, or you can import indicators into popular BI and analytics tools, including Microsoft PowerBI, Tableau, SAS, Excel and many more.

All-Inclusive package
2+ Million Data Sets | 250+ Trusted Data Sources | 168 Industries and Vertical Markets | 8 Macroeconomic Sectors | Global Coverage

Extend your analyses with Prevedere Indicators to:

Gain new insights

Make smarter business moves, informed by real-world trends, indicators and performance drivers


Empower the enterprise

Advance your analytics initiatives in every department, from data science to the C-suite


Save valuable time

Quickly access and update the right data to accelerate time-to-value for analytics projects

Maximize investments

Enhance your existing BI, analytics and Big Data platforms, processes and team

“To better understand the marketplace, it is incumbent for organizations to look beyond their own four walls for data sources.”

Douglas Laney
VP, Gartner Research